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Cat: Boomer
By: Kitten 12/12/2014 2:20 AM 
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Boomer Tags: Boomer
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pychuz 12/20/2014 11:55 PM | Flag
just the present I need
Kitten 12/12/2014 7:40 PM | Flag
Yes. We live in a semi-rural setting and she simply showed up. We called the neighbors, but no one could provide any help.
tele_mark 12/12/2014 6:42 PM | Flag
This was a stray that just wandered up to your house?
iluvcats 12/12/2014 5:01 PM | Flag
Welcome, welcome lil Boomer! What a joy you are - can't wait for more snaps of your world!!! xoxox
MickeysMom 12/12/2014 1:54 PM | Flag
The BEST Christmas present ever!
doerscheln 12/12/2014 11:38 AM | Flag
Aaaawww a Christmas cutie pie !
Eli 12/12/2014 7:40 AM | Flag
Hello Boomer, welcome to Picato! You are soo sweet:))
pmgr111 12/12/2014 7:25 AM | Flag
What a cutie pie.
suelin57 12/12/2014 5:23 AM | Flag
Now that's a real Christmas present!
Cat's Pictures
About this cat
We found Boomer trying to get in the patio door. Being only 4 weeks old, it was amazing that she was able to cross the yard, get thru the fence and make it to the house. Here she is in all her glory wishing everyone the very best holiday season.
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