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Cat: Dou Hua
By: lindazena 3/20/2015 7:17 AM next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Big MaMa Kikuko Dou Hua Tags:
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moulagofre 3/22/2015 11:36 AM | Flag
Hooho Mama, your kittens are bigger than you 😄 Lovely !
tele_mark 3/21/2015 6:54 AM | Flag
Brings back vivid memories of Daisy, with 6 month old Floppy and Robocat in 2000. She didn't put up with it, said "enough is enough!" and kicked them off pretty indignantly!
scrappy 3/20/2015 8:06 PM | Flag
Probably just comfort nursing for both mama and kits!
tele_mark 3/20/2015 2:01 PM | Flag
Wow! I can't believe she's still letting them nurse, they're huge!
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About this cat
He Big MaMa son, very royalty. Born on 27 Dec 2013. He also take care of Kikuko.
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