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Cat: Samantha
By: MackemCat 8/25/2008 9:08 PM next »
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Samantha Tags:
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lovethecats 8/7/2011 1:48 PM | Flag
I am awfully sorry It was a beautiful cat. It's always sad when you lose a pet that you loved all his life ... (I'm sorry if I make spelling errors because I'm French.)
lovethecats 8/7/2011 1:48 PM | Flag
I am awfully sorry It was a beautiful cat. It's always sad when you lose a pet that you loved all his life ... (I'm sorry if I make spelling errors because I'm French.)
lovethecats 8/7/2011 1:48 PM | Flag
I am awfully sorry It was a beautiful cat. It's always sad when you lose a pet that you loved all his life ... (I'm sorry if I make spelling errors because I'm French.)
lovethecats 8/7/2011 1:48 PM | Flag
I am awfully sorry It was a beautiful cat. It's always sad when you lose a pet that you loved all his life ... (I'm sorry if I make spelling errors because I'm French.)
lovethecats 8/7/2011 1:48 PM | Flag
I am awfully sorry It was a beautiful cat. It's always sad when you lose a pet that you loved all his life ... (I'm sorry if I make spelling errors because I'm French.)
lovethecats 8/7/2011 1:48 PM | Flag
I am awfully sorry It was a beautiful cat. It's always sad when you lose a pet that you loved all his life ... (I'm sorry if I make spelling errors because I'm French.)
lovethecats 8/7/2011 1:48 PM | Flag
I am awfully sorry It was a beautiful cat. It's always sad when you lose a pet that you loved all his life ... (I'm sorry if I make spelling errors because I'm French.)
lovethecats 8/7/2011 1:47 PM | Flag
I am awfully sorry It was a beautiful cat. It's always sad when you lose a pet that you loved all his life ... (I'm sorry if I make spelling errors because I'm French.)
smokeyfuffy 3/14/2011 12:33 AM | Flag
SAMANTHA you are living in the hearts of all of us....
PAWDI 3/14/2011 12:33 AM | Flag
love and kisses to you at Rainbow Bridge xxxxxxxx pawdi
MackemCat 3/14/2011 12:33 AM | Flag
Thanks so much everyone for your kindness. I so appreciate it. This photo was taken about eight months before Sam died and she was really well at that time...all bright eyed and happy. It all happened so quickly, within a week. I know she was old but you kind of expect them to last forever. You would have loved her too, she was so sweet and affectionate.... Lots of love to you all...Greta xxxxx
Fiocco 3/14/2011 12:33 AM | Flag
I am truly sorry! I really am... it's always so sad when we find things or photos that remind us of your kitties that are no longer with us. I wish I could give you a big hug and give you some strenght! I send you all my love, Elisa
micino 3/14/2011 12:33 AM | Flag
So sorry for your lovely Samantha. You enjoyed her for many years...
Wayne M 3/14/2011 12:33 AM | Flag
AWWWWWWW I am Sorry for your sadness this is a truly beautyful photo! I know that all our furry family gets to go over that bridge.... and perhaps we will get to pet, play, and hug our best friends to a loud thunderus purrrr! With our love Wayne,Mary & Batman
BUDDERS 3/14/2011 12:33 AM | Flag
MackemCat 3/14/2011 12:33 AM | Flag
I just found this photo of lovely Samantha who sadly died in January this year.....she is very much missed by all of and kisses to you at Rainbow Bridge, Sam...xxxxxxxx
Cat's Pictures
About this cat
Samantha was a beautiful black and white cat who sadly died from kidney failure at the end of January 2008 aged 18. She is sadly missed by all who knew and loved her.
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