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Cat: Leïla
By: zaza 8/8/2011 1:05 PM 
Picture of a cat / kitten / feline
Cats: Leïla Tags:
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ilovemykitten 4/18/2013 8:10 PM | Flag
very pretty cat bueatiful
Hoelly 9/6/2012 10:02 AM | Flag
My cat is named Leila too <3
Bluebay Shel 10/19/2011 5:32 PM | Flag
Beautiful girl!
FerrisMewler 8/17/2011 3:43 PM | Flag
Hi zaza, how is the lovely Leila doing? Still think of her :o)
lorybeth 8/17/2011 2:11 PM | Flag
Hi Zaza, I'm Loretta from Piacenza North Italy, here on Picato you can see my princess Maggie, 12 years old, Matilde that reach the family right 8 months ago, she is 10/11 months old now, and our beloved Tris, that was killed by a car in front of my house when he was 3....The gang is now complete with Lily a sweet lost mum with her little boy Leo...I've not posted anything yet about them, but it's a long sad/sweet/happy end story ;D....Hope sweet Leila is better now, she's beautiful!...and yes , this is a very good place where meet new friends from all over the world!
piperbaby 8/12/2011 2:27 PM | Flag
She is so pretty, so sorry to hear this news. We will pray! I'm Hilda (piperbaby on Picato) from Canada and I have 8 cats, 2 at my store Pooh2 and Bootsie and 6 at home Piper, Baby, Scrapper, Little One. Small Fry and Tabitha.
zaza 8/10/2011 12:43 PM | Flag
Yes, it starts to get better for her. It is a lot right now. Already she likes to sleep: there she almost always sleeps! Except for eating, of course.
FerrisMewler 8/10/2011 12:30 PM | Flag
Very sorry to hear that zaza. I hope everything works out for you.
zaza 8/10/2011 7:24 AM | Flag
Unfortunately, it does not go at all well! For two days. It fell to a very high barrier but then it hurt a lot to patte.On went to see the vet and he told us it had nothing to his leg but had a generalized cancer and cancer of the nose. There remains much to do. We will see in a few days if it feels better and if it will be operated.
iluvcats 8/9/2011 4:35 PM | Flag
Oh wow - 15 years old! Leila you rock! I'd luv to see more snaps of you. Zaza - - my kitties are all at the Rainbow Bridge now ... But I adore seeing and meeting kitties from all over the world. This is a shout out to you from Florida USA! Be well Leila
zaza 8/9/2011 12:53 PM | Flag
Leila is very young in this picture. Nearly 2 ½ years. Now she has almost 15 years! That's why I would put more recent shots in not too long ago. Thank you so much to so many comments and I hope there will soon be more! M please write the age of your cat and also its name.
zaza 8/9/2011 12:48 PM | Flag
It's good that there have lots of people from other countries. It we do make friends.
FerrisMewler 8/9/2011 9:50 AM | Flag
This has turned out to be a great conversation - My thanks to you all and I agree with everything said here - catgal, we are all pretty much the same and we all love our pets - brilliantly spoken! Zaza, I have 3 cats: Ferris and Nash are borther and sister and are 4 years, Carrots is between 4 and 5 years (he joined us just a few months ago as a stray so his age is approximate).
gillybean 8/9/2011 8:40 AM | Flag
What a sweet, beautiful kitty. My cat is Joe and he is 9 years old. We live in the NW UK.
zaza 8/9/2011 7:26 AM | Flag
Yes, I totally agree with you. Really thank you all for your support. And thank you to say that Leila is beautiful! I also agree with you on that. Soon I would put more pictures.
Eli 8/9/2011 6:57 AM | Flag
What a darling!! I agree with everybody, errors are not important, our love for kitties is what counts!!! I'm Eli from Spain and my cat Willy is 13 years old!
catgal 8/9/2011 12:58 AM | Flag
A lovely little kitten...looks like a real darling. I agree with the comments's wonderful to see everyone from all over the world who love their cats (and animals!). At the end of the day, we're all people and even if we speak different languages - we're pretty similar :)
lynesco7 8/9/2011 12:13 AM | Flag
I love your French and I love your beautiful kitty! Merci for sharing with us.
iluvcats 8/8/2011 7:43 PM | Flag
Hello Leila! Welcome dear one! Can't wait for more snaps of your world!
Carmen 8/8/2011 5:16 PM | Flag
My cat is 3 years old :-)
zaza 8/8/2011 4:41 PM | Flag
Huumm...You and your cat. But if you prefer not to say, do not say!
Carmen 8/8/2011 4:21 PM | Flag
zaza, you mean me or my cat?
gillybean 8/8/2011 2:42 PM | Flag
Hello darling Leila, you are a great beauty xoxox
zaza 8/8/2011 2:29 PM | Flag
Thanks you....I agree : she's beautiful ! How old are you ? (lorybeth, FerrisMewler and Carmen)
Carmen 8/8/2011 2:23 PM | Flag
Leïla, tu es la plus belle et douce chatte que jài vu jamais.
FerrisMewler 8/8/2011 2:10 PM | Flag
I totaly agree with lorybeth, it is all about sharing our love for our feline friends and ALL are welcome. I come from the UK and I can assure you your English is far better than either my French or Italian!
lorybeth 8/8/2011 1:30 PM | Flag
She's more than cute, she's beautiful!!!..and here on Picato we don't care about errors, we came from all over the world and love for our kitties talks for us in our pics! I'm Loretta from North Italy...welcome to Picato!...Hope to see more pics of Leila"
zaza 8/8/2011 1:07 PM | Flag
She's cute, you think? (Sorry if I make spelling errors, because I am French ...)
Cat's Pictures
About this cat
Leila is a female of three colors: brown, white and black. She is very obedient and loves to have fun. Also very independent. She is beautiful! (Sorry if I make spelling errors: ue is because I am French ...)
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