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16.12.2012 23:05 | Flag
candyapple says:
Hello Dahling....
16.12.2012 23:05 | Flag
candyapple says:
oooo look at her wink! Sweet....
10.12.2012 17:56 | Flag
candyapple says:
10.12.2012 17:55 | Flag
candyapple says:
10.12.2012 01:33 | Flag
candyapple says:
so cute!
10.12.2012 01:28 | Flag
candyapple says:
he has a home! yay...
10.12.2012 01:23 | Flag
candyapple says:
Looks like my Murphy! Darling baby....
10.12.2012 01:22 | Flag
candyapple says:
Clubbie just wasnts no part of this! lol
10.12.2012 01:21 | Flag
candyapple says:
Harper say Merry Christmas all!
10.12.2012 01:20 | Flag
candyapple says:
Momma says Merry Christmas everyone!
10.12.2012 01:20 | Flag
candyapple says:
Pella say Merry Christmas~
04.06.2012 01:20 | Flag
candyapple says:
So fluffy!!!
04.06.2012 01:19 | Flag
candyapple says:
Looks alot like my Murphy! darling!
04.06.2012 01:16 | Flag
candyapple says:
Someone dropped this affectionate Siamese off and he is so sweet! He needs a forever home....he also loves children. I call him Simi...
27.05.2011 20:35 | Flag
candyapple says:
Remember Murphy? He is such a beautiful young man now!!
27.05.2011 20:35 | Flag
candyapple says:
Momma rules this roost!!
27.05.2011 20:34 | Flag
candyapple says:
This is Cleo a darling gal.
14.03.2011 00:33 | Flag
candyapple says:
So precious a face.
14.03.2011 00:33 | Flag
candyapple says:
"Hi folks, have a great week ahead!"
14.03.2011 00:33 | Flag
candyapple says:
Harper is just lounging around the house today!!
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